High ping on everything


Nov 26, 2015
I've just moved to a student house as I have started Uni, since the first day here I've had every bag ping problems whilst gaming, I've tried every game I play (LoL, Dota 2, Overwatch) and even on discord and have fluctuating ping which can spike between 30-180 and used command prompt and other programmes and websites to ping game servers and websites and have the same result. I use a TP-link to have a wired connection which has worked perfectly when living with my parents so it's not an issue with that. I've changed the wire-less channels as my friend did this to fix his ping, as well as anything else I can think of that might cause any issues (and it's not a problem with my PC as this occured over night upon moving). I'm unable to play any online game at all which are the only games I play but streaming and downloading is completely fine, if anyone has any ideas I would appreciate your help.
Are you at Uni to game or learn?

No problem with PC recreational gaming per se.

However, students gaming may use up bandwidth needed by students studying.....

Check with your "Uni" IT staff to find out about the rules and restrictions.

Cannot help you with circumventing Uni policies or otherwise trying to get more than anything that is not academic..


I'm in private accommodation in a student village not uni accommodation. And we have 50down and other students studying won't need a lot of bandwidth anyway so me gaming and them studying won't cause any issues.

We have our own router like every normal house lol