high pitched buzzing/clicking from all audio jacks.

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Sep 7, 2013
Here is what I know of my situation: I come home and turn on my computer, opened Google chrome to youtube, and turned on my amp and reciever, But instead of just two clicks from the relays in the amp/recievers, I also hear a strange high pitched buzzing from my sub and bookshelf speakers.

My Speaker setup are definitely not the problem, this comes from any headphones or speakers i plug into the outlets.

The problem probably is not from broken outputs or jacks, because they worked fine yesterday and i have tried multiple jacks and outputs.

I have an Asus Essentio with built in Hd Realtek audio card. Everything but my other hard-drive and fan in the computer are stock parts. I switched Sata cables on my second hard drive because i had just changed it and thought it may have affected it - no change.

I really hope this doesnt mean i need to buy a new PSU or Motherboard. if that is the case i will just have to deal with no audio for quite some time.

I bought this computer last December. Brand New i might add. I have never had any problems with the back outputs until now (there has always been a smallest amount of static from the front headphone port.

I'm not sure what i might add to this, just ask questions if you need more information. I know what you're talking about most of the time.
this look to me that is a bad ground between the computer and the amp with receiver ,did you try the pc sound alone without amp and receiver ,the other thing you could try is to start amd and receiver first before pc also check if there is no electrical cable near the audio cable from pc to receiver .

There have always been electrical cables next to the audio cables but this has never once affected my speakers. It happens on my headphones as well. I did try to start the amp and receiver before the computer but the results were the same.

This noise is one volume and does not go away even when muted on the pc. This is also the only noise coming from the computer. no audio but this.
Okay new news, I've plugged the speakers into my headphones port on my monitor, it works fine, but there is white noise in the background. I don't know if i should see if i can fix the on board ouputs orthe screen outputs

alright, the amp is connected to my monitor and the monitor is connected by HDMI. This is a different type of static now, not a clicking like from the pc itself (which it is still doing, i just dont have anything plugged into that).

i do have a sound card, but it's from 2005 and doesnt fit the ports on the pc. i think ill try another hdmi cable and see if that changes anything, if it does ill get back here.

So i tried a different HDMI cable, same static. when i change my Sata cable on the second hard drive i have, it makes the buzzing that comes from the pc sound different. I have no clue. ill try the aluminum shielding.

Yes the wall outlet works as it should. The static from the computer only started today. the static from the monitor has always happened, thats why i dont normally use it.

No, the monitor makes the static noise with headphones Too. I'm not sure what the problem with it is. I'd much rather figure out how to fix my PC.
Okay man, worse problem here. No buzzing anymore from the computer, but thats only because there is no sound. i think something may have shorted? i have no clue. but thats what i'm thinking. do you think getting a sound card could temporarily fix this until i invest in building a computer? I've only had this computer since last december, i did think something would go wrong with it like this. i wish it had a PCI port in it so it could install this Sound Blaster live card.

That isn't gonna happen, I kind of had to break the warranty seal to put in my hard drives and stuff..

That isn't gonna happen, I kind of had to break the warranty seal to put in my hard drives and stuff..

The seal was just on the back of the computer where you could slide off the side panel of the PC, it said something like "removing this sticker violates the one year warrantee" or something along those lines

Did you ever find the cause of your onboard sound problem? I have the same problem & looking for solutions.
Any info would be appreciated. Thanx in advance.
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