High pitched buzzing noise only coming through headphones (Razer Kraken Pro)


Jul 21, 2014
Ok so, there is this high pitched noise coming through my headphones constantly but it worsens when I'm playing games and the pitch changes when my graphics/fps changes. I have a Razer Kraken Pro plugged into the back of my PC and it only comes through this headset, the noise doesn't come through any other audio output device I have.

I've had 3 Razer Kraken Pros and the first one didn't have this noise, the second was one fine until my PC started emitting the noise through it. This made me think that it was that particular headset so I got a replacement, the noise was still there. I bought a new PSU because I thought it might be coilwhine but the noise is still present. I got rid of Realtek Audio and re installed Razer surround and it didn't affect it. So it's probably my GPU because of the noise worsens when I play games and its under greater load, but i'm a bit doubtful as it only comes through my Razer Kraken Pros and nothing else, I can't hear anything similar if I listen to the GPU, the noise only comes through my audio which doesn't seem to make sense. But perhaps its my motherboard since it has onboard sound (which i'm using)?
Microphone feedback is disabled but sometimes my friends complain about hearing a buzzing noise when I talk using VOIPs. I looked for driver updates but Windows didn't find any, although I did find a windows 8.1 driver for my mobo.
I tried to run my PC without my GPU in and it didn't like it and wouldn't get to desktop, is there something I need to do in BIOS?

If anyone could offer any insight or suggest a fix that would be great.

My PC is about a year and 4 months old.

OS: Windows 8.1
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
PSU: Corsair 550W
CPU: AMD FX 4170 Quad Core
Sir, you are experiencing something called EMI (electromagnetic interference). This mostly results from GPU or CPU under load, and even moving mouse around can cause sounds.

First thing you should try is *MUTE* all your sound recording inputs (especially line in and mic in). If that helps, experiment a little to get what you need.

However, if it does not help... the only thing that can prevent this is a quality EMI-shielded soundcard or motherboard with less interference on sound chip (and better protection possibly). This is mostly analog-sound related, there is somewhat less chance of hearing this on digital USB headphones. Now, I know that many people don't support getting soundcards because "they are all crap" and "they don't...
Sir, you are experiencing something called EMI (electromagnetic interference). This mostly results from GPU or CPU under load, and even moving mouse around can cause sounds.

First thing you should try is *MUTE* all your sound recording inputs (especially line in and mic in). If that helps, experiment a little to get what you need.

However, if it does not help... the only thing that can prevent this is a quality EMI-shielded soundcard or motherboard with less interference on sound chip (and better protection possibly). This is mostly analog-sound related, there is somewhat less chance of hearing this on digital USB headphones. Now, I know that many people don't support getting soundcards because "they are all crap" and "they don't mean anything"... well, sir, in this case they do.

I had the exact same problem once. As long as I kept using my crappy standard PC audio headset, there were no problems. The moment I purchased Sennheiser HD 555 and connected it to my onboard sound, I was horrified. The noise, the static... it was picking up everything. I solved this by installing Asus Xonar D2, which turned out to be one of my best investments into the sound system ever. Just a personal opinion on the sound, so here it goes.... much better, much more dynamics, ZERO static and noise.

I did mute and disable the sound inputs once, it didn't have an effect, but thanks alot! I've been searching for ages on what it could be, thanks man. I was going to get a sound card but the only problem is my GPU takes up quite a bit of space and my mobo only has 2 PCIe slots, so if I put one in it would be sat directly next to the GPU and its fan, do you think it would affect its temperature much? While playing the most demanding games it goes to around 60 degrees Celsius. If you could point me towards a slim soundcard that has EMI shielding that would be awesome but i'll look around.
Thanks a lot!
I just had this same thing happen to me on my laptop. and it had never happened before, so I strated to unplug everything accept for my headphones and it turns out it was my mouse (that I had for 3 months) had started to give me some interference. So I plugged it into the back of my laptop and that did the trick!

In your case it could possibly not be the mouse, So I would recomend a "process of elemination" approach and see where that gets ya.

This worked for me, but it could possibly not work for you. HAVE A GREAT ONE!
Seconding thecoffeguy. I was searching the forums for a solution to my buzzing noise. When I unplugged my mouse ( it was plugged in the front usb port next to the audio input) the noise stopped !
After reading everyone's posts for my similar problem, I found my keyboard USB plug in to be causing the ringing.

By changing the keyboard plugin to a different USB port in the back of my desktop PC, I eliminated the EMI ringing in my headphones!

Thanks ya'll! I have the Onikuma K6 headset with mic.

Sir, you are experiencing something called EMI (electromagnetic interference). This mostly results from GPU or CPU under load, and even moving mouse around can cause sounds.

First thing you should try is MUTE all your sound recording inputs (especially line in and mic in). If that helps, experiment a little to get what you need.

However, if it does not help... the only thing that can prevent this is a quality EMI-shielded soundcard or motherboard with less interference on sound chip (and better protection possibly). This is mostly analog-sound related, there is somewhat less chance of hearing this on digital USB headphones. Now, I know that many people don't support getting soundcards because "they are all crap" and "they don't mean anything"... well, sir, in this case they do.

I had the exact same problem once. As long as I kept using my crappy standard PC audio headset, there were no problems. The moment I purchased Sennheiser HD 555 and connected it to my onboard sound, I was horrified. The noise, the static... it was picking up everything. I solved this by installing Asus Xonar D2, which turned out to be one of my best investments into the sound system ever. Just a personal opinion on the sound, so here it goes.... much better, much more dynamics, ZERO static and noise.

I just had this same thing happen to me on my laptop. and it had never happened before, so I strated to unplug everything accept for my headphones and it turns out it was my mouse (that I had for 3 months) had started to give me some interference. So I plugged it into the back of my laptop and that did the trick!

In your case it could possibly not be the mouse, So I would recomend a "process of elemination" approach and see where that gets ya.

This worked for me, but it could possibly not work for you. HAVE A GREAT ONE!