High pitched noise from pc tower


Jan 9, 2014
I bought a new pc roughly six months ago, and last night I started hearing a high pitched noise from the tower, something like a cross between a cricket and a bell. I've spun up, down, and stopped all my fans in the case, ruling those out, and double checked the pump on my liquid cooling unit (corsair h80i). The oddest part is that it only i can only hear it at certain angles. Turning my head slightly when near the case cause it to vanish, but i've had someone else listen to it to confirm there is a noise, and another friend couldn't hear it at all. It's also only able to ne hear over the case, the fan opening on the lower side of the case does produce the sound. Could it simply be coil noise?
coil whine can be in the frequencies that older people cant hear. but as a rule it comes and goes with voltage so the pitch is rarely constant.
normally i would say send the pc back as its 6 months old and under warranty. but you have opened it already so its likely void now.
pull the side off. turn the pc on and listen. move your ear to a different spot every 5 seconds or so going over each of the main components if it is coul whine it will likely be in 1 of 3 places. coming from the psu, from the gpu or from the motherboard up by the cpu.

if it is actually coil whine then there is a solution. a hot glue gun. inject a small amount under the part thats vibrating. the glue will act as a damper. only use a hot gun glue. airfix,gum and pva just dont cut it for insulation reasons.
but honestly if its that irritating i would consider RMA ing it...
As a small small update, I did a quick recording of the noise and let a few people listen to it, of which only two people could hear it. I was ready to chalk it up to coil whine at that point, but turning the machine on again there was a horrible noise from the hard drive, like it was working double tone on the read write, which went away once Windows loaded. Smart tests show nothing, but I'm goin to rma the drive. How likely is it the dri've could be making the noise? It's somewhat annoying to get to the driver in the case, and since I'm going to be replacing it soon I'd rather wait, but since the noise is steady it seems like a likely culprit at this point.