Agree exactly, marketing and profit. Most things in this world are priced for maximising profit and market share. The cost to produce an item usually plays little to no part.
Probably because it’s one of the flagship gpus of the time. Wait a year or two and the price will probably lower. I got the gtx 1050 for about $100 a couple of weeks ago and this is not really a flagship gpu anymore. It’s not the best anymore, but it definitely does the job.
The leading product in any market is always priced at a premium price. Look at cars, a standard Ford Focus can be bought for £12k, a Focus RS starts at £35k. I am certain the RS while costing more to make and develop doesn't cost anywhere near 3 times as much.
Agree exactly, marketing and profit. Most things in this world are priced for maximising profit and market share. The cost to produce an item usually plays little to no part.