High ram idle load


Jul 24, 2016
Hey guys!
I've noticed that while my computer is idling, it is using anywhere between 6-8GB of ram. Mind you this isn't a massive issue as I have 32GB installed, but am curious as to whats using it.
The task manager doesn't show any programs using large amounts of ram.
Is this normal? is there something that the task manager isn't showing me? Is windows having an issue here?

Thanks guys

PC Specs:
CPU: I7-4790K
GPU: Geforce GTX 1080
Mobo: Asus Z97-K

I realise i made this post a month ago, i'm sorry about the awefully late response

I can't see anything in particular in the resource monitor.
At the bottom of the memory tab, i can see:
Hardware Reserved: 59MB
In Use: 9145MB
Modified: 2974MB
Standby: 20591MB
Free: 1MB

Available: 20600MB
Cached: 23571MB
Total: 32709MB
Installed: 32768MB

Those numbers probably dont add up as they slightly changed while i was typing.