So I have a very weird problem that I've been trying to solve. So short and sweet, my computer keeps shutting down, it's overheating but it shouldn't be. All the fans are working fine (One fan makes a weird loud noise on startup then goes away, but it's always done that from what I've noticed). So someone told me to do a stress-test to confirm that this was the issue but whenever I stress test it only goes to 43 degrees at most from 20-30 celsius normally. But then I open up a game (Minecraft in specific), which is also very CPU intensive but isn't on 100% CPU most of the time, and then my temperature goes up to 70-80 and then eventually shuts of the PC completely with no warning. But that's where it's weird, if I close Minecraft then it doesn't go down, in fact it keeps going up even if I have it closed. And what's weird is it'll say it's 80 degrees celsius but then if I start it back up seconds after, it'll say it's 20-30 degrees again.
What does this sound like, a software problem or hardware or both? It's been doing this for 5 days now and does it multiple times a day.

What does this sound like, a software problem or hardware or both? It's been doing this for 5 days now and does it multiple times a day.