Question Higher ping in games, than used to. Internet is fine.

May 18, 2019
I live in Australia, WA and the internet here is usually bad, however you can still play games, but I started experiencing double my ping, as in; 58ms would turn into 108ms and stay like that. It is not a spike or loss, its stable, and thats what confuses me. I can watch videos 1080p60fps, I can stream and don't have ping go up. This started happening last week ago or so. ( had to study for exams) I spent the whole day today trying to fix this via internet to no avail so here I am making this thread. I will contact my ISP tomorrow, but from what i learned from other peoples experiences ISP's wont and dont do anything <<edit>>.


This only happens when playing games such as League of Legends, Overwatch, Counter Strike, etc. It is always 100ms, from what i observed so this led me to think that it doubled my ping/ms. When i connect to servers in Perth, I get 56 ms when I used to get 6, and when I connect to servers in Sydney, Melbourne, etc. I get 100.
Please help me find a solution to this, so unfortunate people that experience the same thing have a place to go and fix it when this occurs. Thank You.
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Reason why your ISP doesn't do anything is because they can't. Same applies to you too as well.

You see, when gaming, your connection route is something like this:
Your PC - ISP server - proxy server - proxy server - game server

Ping, as such, is the round trip time your PC connects to the game server, e.g 60ms, 400ms, 1000ms.
While you have control over your PC and ISP have control over their server; none of you have control over proxy and game servers. High ping and ping spikes are usually issues with either the proxy or game server. Also, depending on how far the game server is located from you, there can be several or even dozens of proxy servers in between. And the issue can be with any of the server in the chain. It takes only 1x bad server to mess up the connection, resulting in high ping.

What you can try to do is using any VPN service for different route to the game server. Though, VPN connection can be slower than direct connection and if the issue is with game server, VPN doesn't help.
May 18, 2019
Reason why your ISP doesn't do anything is because they can't. Same applies to you too as well.

You see, when gaming, your connection route is something like this:
Your PC - ISP server - proxy server - proxy server - game server

Ping, as such, is the round trip time your PC connects to the game server, e.g 60ms, 400ms, 1000ms.
While you have control over your PC and ISP have control over their server; none of you have control over proxy and game servers. High ping and ping spikes are usually issues with either the proxy or game server. Also, depending on how far the game server is located from you, there can be several or even dozens of proxy servers in between. And the issue can be with any of the server in the chain. It takes only 1x bad server to mess up the connection, resulting in high ping.

What you can try to do is using any VPN service for different route to the game server. Though, VPN connection can be slower than direct connection and if the issue is with game server, VPN doesn't help.
Yeah but the thing is why did this happen? like it happened last week. Ive never experienced this ever before so im just confused. My net has been fine until this


Unless you have direct access or info to all the proxy servers in the chain + gaming server, your guess is as good as mine. Though, what might have happened is that one of the servers in the chain (or game server) had/has maintenance period. 2nd guess is that there is just too many connections going in/out of that specific server, slowing down overall connection speed.

Also, hear what your ISP has to say about this, perhaps issue is with their server(s).

For example:
When i try do download something from one specific hosting server during the daytime (e.g 01:00 PM my local time), my download speed is about 200-400 Kbps. Same exact server and file during the night (e.g 02:00 AM my local time) and my download speed is easily 4-6 Mbps (4000-6000 Kbps).
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May 18, 2019
Let's say I contacted my ISP, and they said nothing is wrong, then what do I do?
Reckon, I should just wait, until this problem fixes itself if the ISP say nothing is wrong?
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