Highest BCLK Overclock

Overclocking the BCLK is not recommended since it messes up the reference clock for USB and SATA ports. Your maximum BCLK overclock is limited by whatever device fails first and the tolerances are usually quite tight. You will rarely get more than 6% from BCLK before running into issues.


Overclocking the BCLK is not recommended since it messes up the reference clock for USB and SATA ports. Your maximum BCLK overclock is limited by whatever device fails first and the tolerances are usually quite tight. You will rarely get more than 6% from BCLK before running into issues.
What cpu do you have? Intel's gen1 you could overclock with the blck. Gen2-5 is not recommended ( stated above ) I believe they unlatched the usb/sata ports in the gen6 but would still not recommend using the blck to overclock with, unless its a gen1.

Ive never owned an AMD cpu so no idea about there cpu and how to overclock it.
I currently have an amd CPU and the equivalent is the HT reference clock. Is there any way to untie the BCLK from the non-CPU components? I'm getting a xeon and was wondering if I could overclock it since the multiplier is locked. Do you know of any other way to do it?
Xeons and non-K cpus should not be overclocked other then the auto boost that is built in. Even then the most ive ever seen was a 103/104 blck overclock on a non-k cpu. That kind of overclock is not worth what damage can happen to other parts of the system.


True it messes things up but that can be overcome with discrete video cards, sound card and running the hdd in ide mode. I disabled the igp, onboard sound, 1384a, serial port. That sounds bad but then if you can gain a extra 960MMZ, it becomes well worth it.

It depends on what board, cpu and brand. AMD's tend to overclock fairly well with this, some intel cpus do not, like the sandybridge, ivy.

I have a A6-3650 Llano apu. Stock is 2.6ghz. I have mine running at 3.56ghz, kingston hyperx blue 4gb kit 2x2gb ddr3-1600@1826mhz, ht bus, pcie bus and memory, all overclock with the fsb (BCLK). stock fsb (BCLK) is 100mhz and mine is 137mhz. So that would be a 37% BLCK overclock.
It's running with a pair of HD-7850's and a x-fi Fatl1ty sound card on a micro atx gigabyte GA-A75M-UD2H.

It varies from boards and cpus how much you can go up. The board i have is one of the socket FM2 boards that is known to overclock well. It depends on your memory and board too. I set mine at 1600 timings and manually set it at 1333 and ends up at 1826.