Hillary visits Oz

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Well, "switched on" is not one of the phrases I'd use to describe her.

But it should be pretty interesting to watch. Current trends say the Independents won't support an Obama second term. Dunno who else the Ds have to offer besides Hillary.

But to appeal to the Progressive coalitions necessary to gain the nomination, and then turn around and bring the independents back to the fold in the general election seems beyond Hilary's rhetorical power. Unless the Independents somehow forget their experience with Obama. Which is possible lol.

Her husband could probably do it - but I don't think her lips are flexible enough to speak out of both sides of her mouth like that.
She'll probably be added to the ticket as VP if the numbers are looking rather grim by this time next year. I highly doubt she'd run, as the party won't throw their own leader off the ticket.
Please. No Hillary jokes allowed.

she seems pretty switched on.

Yeah. Hillary is, the smartest human ever, PLUS she spent all those years standing loyally behind Bill Clinton wearing uncomfortable pantyhose (I mean Hillary was, not Bill) (although there are rumors), PLUS she went to the trouble and expense of acquiring a legal residence in New York State so she could be a senator from there, PLUS she assembled a team of nuclear-physicist-grade genius political advisors, PLUS she spent years going around to every dirtbag community in America explaining in detail her 23-point policy solutions for every single problem facing the nation including soybean blight. And after all that, she lost the nomination to a guy who has roughly the same amount of executive governmental experience as Hannah Montana.

Hillary presents the external image her puppetmasters choose, but I think is her own, scheming self on the inside. On her own, I do believe she is extremely intelligent. Unfortunately...you've heard the cliche "my powers may only be used for Good;" well it seems that hers are only used for Evil, such as how to confiscate earned wealth to pay for her programs (not that other politicians are any different, but she excels at making this evil seem reasonable).
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