Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical,comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic (More info?)
Thanks to a sale at a secondhand store, I'm thinking of dabbling with
strategic WW2 games, a genre I've not previously had much to do with.
I was wondering which to go for out of Hearts of Iron and Strategic Command.
Money's not an issue; I just don't want to waste time mucking around with a
game I won't like.
My understanding is that HoI is more detailed but is also open to more
unhistorical situations arising, ie that it's a strategic game that could
really be about anywhere but happens to be set on a map that looks something
like Earth in the 1940s.
Strat Comd, I'm led to believe, is less detailed but more faithful to what
actually happened in WW2.
I understand that HoI mucks around with divisions (although they're not
moved on the map as such) wheras Strat Comd is confined to higher level
units. This tends to incline me towards HoI but it's extreme alternative
history aspect leaves me undecided.
Any comments or advice would be appreciated.
Thanks to a sale at a secondhand store, I'm thinking of dabbling with
strategic WW2 games, a genre I've not previously had much to do with.
I was wondering which to go for out of Hearts of Iron and Strategic Command.
Money's not an issue; I just don't want to waste time mucking around with a
game I won't like.
My understanding is that HoI is more detailed but is also open to more
unhistorical situations arising, ie that it's a strategic game that could
really be about anywhere but happens to be set on a map that looks something
like Earth in the 1940s.
Strat Comd, I'm led to believe, is less detailed but more faithful to what
actually happened in WW2.
I understand that HoI mucks around with divisions (although they're not
moved on the map as such) wheras Strat Comd is confined to higher level
units. This tends to incline me towards HoI but it's extreme alternative
history aspect leaves me undecided.
Any comments or advice would be appreciated.