HoloLens Finally Makes Augmented Reality Real

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well i bet all these baddonkey developments on windows makes google's donkeyhole tighten up. Finally google services will come to a windows mobile platform

[Edited for language]
No one has mentioned resolution on these things. Having used both the world-through-a-screen-door DK1 version of Oculus, and the still pretty pixilated but livable DK2, I have to wonder if these images are anywhere near as crisp as the publicity shots.
HoloLens? Best innovation from Microsoft marketing department. Its just a see-throught 3D goggle, what's the big deal?
LOL: "Honey, have you seen my glasses?" could be replaced by, "Do you know where I left my Word document?" Uh, how would you "loose" a document or shortcut?

Interesting idea. Though that's gona be a lot of work to be done.
Microsoft HoloLens will feature 320x240 resolution. You will be able to play 3D minecraft at the natural resolution of 1 pixel per block.
Hololens will be HUGE and open up a totally new market segment. Holographic and 3D PRint APIs are native to Windows 10...its the product that brings 3d printers into many homes.

Honey...hold on I'm Holoing
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