Home Backup solution for off site storage


Oct 7, 2004
I'm rather torn on this subject so I thought I would see what others think.
I have a large number of digital Pic's (Photograpy is a hobby) and I do run a second HD for mirroring of this data, and have been using DVD's for offsite storage. Now I always knew that optical media can be unpredictable, and each year there are more articles that suggest that this media's life span is getting shorter then was once thought. So I have a quest to find a reliable storage medium!
I was thinking of getting a NAS to put at a friends house and then using its FTP service backup to it, but then I'll be limited to my upload speed (even with high speed internet) that seems to pose a limitation with my current, "Mozy", online storage service.
I was thinking of an Iomega Rev Drive as the media is simple and can hold alot of data. I just not sure if it is as good, although more convient, then using an external HD. What has been peoples experiences with the Rev Drive?


Oct 7, 2004
Currently I'm at 22GB of RAW picture files and since I shoot in the RAW format things can add up pretty easy. If I have a busy month we could be talking about a growth rate of at least a 1GB/mnth in some cases.