Question Home network, power line and switch(es) advice


Jan 13, 2015
Hi everyone.

I'm about to receive a Sky Q router. As you may know this router only has a pathetic 2 ethernet ports available to use so will need a switch to plug in the devices close by the router.

However, I have multiple devices in two other rooms (living room and office). I would prefer that these devices were wired so will need to use a power line plug adapter to avoid wires all over the home. The question I have is how to allow multiple devices to be ethernet wired. Would I need another two switches for each room? If not what would I need to do?

I've added a diagram of what I mean below:

Thanks for your help everyone.
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They make some powerline units with multiple ethernet ports. Pretty much they just put a 3 port switch inside the powerline unit. Switch have very little negative impact on the network you can use as many as you need.

I've seen ones that only have two ports so not really much use for the living room which has 4 devices. But you answered my question in that I can do what I've illustrated above.
