Home networking issue - only 1 pc connects at a time but need 5

Aug 4, 2018
ISP no help, only supports one ethernet connection - we disabled wifi to be healthier (have infant here too) but need ethernet to work for 4-5 pcs on home office. I've tinkered in the ip settings all i know how to do (limited exp in ip/port forwarding diy for gaming as a younger teen in my youth) but no access to router here.

NEED help as I work from home as a youtuber full time. Please!

TY for your time, sincerely, in advance. Great respect for people volunteering their knowledge to help others freely (i do this via yt in other areas)

Dustin Nemos
At first glance u don't seem to have a needed NAT device, what is the IP of this single working PC? Which box is doing DHCP server? (there must be one on you LAN).

List pieces, Make/model on your LAN and order of hookup, such as: Modem ----> Switch ----> PC. etc.
Sounds like you need to ..

1. Set ISP modem to bridge mode, sometimes called modem mode.
2. Connect the modem to a routers WAN port.
3. Setup your router to handle all the traffic and DHCP address etc, either by cable or WIFI.

Who is your ISP and what modem did they supply?

Arris cm820> netgear gs 108

ipconfig shows

Not sure about NAT or DHCP - I barely know what that is.

Not sure how to do 1. or what a WAN is.

I've done router setup before but i cannot access this one, the ISP says I don't even have one because wifi is turned off - makes no sense to me. I've had routers before wifi even existed.

The ISP is a smaller one - fibercast. North NH

So you have a hardware limitation. The cm820 is a modem and will only connect to one piece of hardware. You need to add a router that does NAT (almost all consumer grade routers do) to the mix. The router will hand out IP address to multiple devices and handle their connections to the internet. I expect the device you were using for WiFi is a router. Most WiFi routers allow you to turn the WiFi (radio) off and you could just use the Ethernet ports (they normally have 4 or 5), so you probably don't need to buy anything.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Any recommendations on a compatible one and will i need the isp to cooperate (doubtful) as I don't have any router now
In general pretty much any router you can find will work. The only restriction would be it does NOT contain a cable modem or DSL modem. The vast majority of routers do not have modem built in and these tend to cost more.

Since you do not care about wifi a rather inexpensive router will work. The major difference between routers are mostly in the fancy wifi options. If you are buying a internet package that can run more than 100mbps you need a router that has both gigabit wan and lan ports.

If you want a router that does not have wifi to start with many people like a ubiquiti edge router for about $50. It looks like a switch but is a router. Note this is actually a fairly advanced router. The reason for the interest is not because it does not have wifi but because it is much higher performance than your average consumer router. This means it will be slightly harder to configure because it has lots of extra stuff you will not use.

Ubiquiti ER-X-US EdgeRouter X 5-Port Advanced Gigabit Router PoE Passthrough ??????????????????????????????

They did provide arris but wouldnt let me access the router anyway before i switched to modem
From ISP Provider:


Can I buy my own Cable Modem?

Yes, you can use one of the following models that are supported by our Cable Internet service through us or your choice of a retailer. Please note that if you buy a modem from another retailer, we can not provide support for those 3rd party purchased modems.

- Hitron Technologies, model# CGNV2-RES
- Arris Solutions, model# DG860ANAPH2

Caution: Do not buy a used modem from an unauthorized dealer. There are modems made specific to certain cable companies which may or may not work on our network.

- Will I even be able to use the Ubiquiti router? As a youtuber I can use all the Umph I can get.
The only reason not to get it from the ISP is the rental fee, do the math, u probably recover the cost in 6 mons, but performance wise, the ISP is not going give u a modem that's limited to 100 mbit when you are paying 200+ mbit for example.

And no matter ISP supplied or you own you want: MODEM ---> ROUTER, 2 boxes. Doing it this way allows most flexibility, and the ISP only cares about your modem, that's what they see, your router box#2, they don't care what is, u can use whatever box here u wish.

Yes. As jsmithepa said, you will connect the an Ethernet cable from the modem to the eth0 port (also called the WAN port) and plug your computers into eth1-eth4 (also called the LAN ports). Your original post says you have 5 computers, but there are only 4 ports. Not to worry. You also said you have a switch. You can run a cable from eth1 (or 2,3, or 4) and run it to the first port of your switch and then run cables from the other ports to your computers. Actually, using the first port as the "input" is not required, it just seems to be convention.

Do note ... to configure the ER-X you will need to connect a computer to eth0 and then once you have completed the setup wizard and click reboot, you will need to change the configuration to the one described above.

Attempting to follow that guide didn't work for me. I got the error about default gateway (it doesn't tell me what to put there, I left it blank)

This video might be more helpful ... it't not that well done, but it has the key elements.

If you do it right, you don't have to set a default gateway. I will be set automatically.


** Edit ... an issue might occur if you use the same network for the LAN that you modem is using for the WAN. The default for the LAN is ... if this is not working, try

So I tried both numbers and I did a 2 at the end no luck. Site can't be reached nothing shows up

So, the wizard seemed to run no problem?

With the computer connected to eth1 directly or via the switch (it should not matter) and a line between eth0 and your modem, if you pull up a command prompt and do "ipconfig /all" you get a bunch of stuff, but we are looking for 3 lines that look like:

IPv4 Address ........ :
Default Gateway ... :
DNS Servers ........ :


Also, if you pull up a browser and put in the default gateway address, the edge router config web page comes up, yes?

It should look like this guys video at minute 7:40, yes?

It's not connecting to the router at all. even ipconfig shows a blank for my default gateway area and it is still blank in the ip4 settings. I have in the past been able to access routers and even forward ports for gaming purposes when I was younger but this one is strange.

I currently have it as (ip) (subnet mask)
blanks - default

DNS preferred (on advice of a viewer who recommended it for speed boost)
alt dns - (same advice)

If I understand you correctly, you are not making initial contact with the router, yes?

1. Goto your IP configuration (Control Panel -> Network and Sharing - > click your connection (should be Ethernet) -> Click properties -> double click "Internet Protocol Version 4")

2. Click the radio button to set your own IP address. Use, Subnet make :, Default gateway :

3. With the line from your computer plugged into Eth0, type into your browser.

Then start the wizard (WAN+2LAN2) 5:45 in the video above.
Ok so I did this and I get a 'this site is not secure' certificate error =/

Exempted it. Moving ahead!

I am getting a lost connection unable to connect to router error after the wizard runs wan2lan2

Ok addressed that, made it work !

Multiple Computers now online!

Thank you SO MUCH! This kinda free exchange of information is really helping bring the world into the modern era.

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