Homeless people in New York committing suicide?

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Jun 5, 2010
I overheard a conversation between some people today about how homeless people in New York city are committing suicide by laying down on the train and subway tracks and then getting cut in half as the train runs over them. Allegedly, they are even lining up on the tracks by the dozen!

I thought New York has a strict city ordinance which bans homeless people from being able loiter in the subways.

What an ghastly and terrifying way to die!

Is this really true?
Wasnt it true that a while back like 10-20 years ago people were committing insurance fraud by buying life insurance for homeless people that were on the verge of death and then collecting the payouts?
Just because wanting see doctor Cox and Garey Busey hunt down Ice T gets me so excited I have trouble with wurds.

The poetic story of surviving the game involves a group of wealthy avid hunters(Garey Busey, Rutger Hauer, John McGinley AKA Dr. Cox from scrubs) lifting a homeless man(Ice T) out of poverty and inviting him on a hunting trip, I think you can see where this is going.


I believe this is what you are looking for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Most_Dangerous_Game_%28film%29 The original hunting humans movie.

The most dangerous game hence the reference in my initial post. But ahem back on topic I do believe this is a fictitious problem. No homeless people are killing themselves in this way. This is the same scare as bankers jumping out of windows during the great depression, I believe there are only 2 reports suicides on Wall Street and neither of them had to do with money.
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