Hoodies are used heavily in crime to cover up the person and remove their identity. Especially up north, almost all crimes involve someone wearing a hoodie when robbing or breaking into a house. It became a joke on the local news site's comment board. All the descriptions would read "Suspect was wearing black jeans or sweatpants, black/gray/white hoodie" That was the description.. no race, heigh, weight, etc.
If I see someone in Florida wearing a hoodie... with unconditionally warm weather, yes, I would be suspect.
Now, i noticed this thread has died off since two of the eye witnesses came forward. One was a 13 year old kid who witnessed most of it and backs up Zimmerman's claim. The other witness also backs up Zimmerman's claim. That claim being he was attacked and was truly defending himself. The police evidence also shows that Zimmerman was attacked from behind (blood on the back of his head from getting hit by something) and that he fell to his back. He was bloodied, Trayvon was not.
The 911 phone call that Zimmerman had made also has evidence of him specifically yelling for help which lines up with the eye witness account. The eye witness called 911 as well. Trayvon was at some point on the phone with another person (girlfriend or something) and she reportedly heard him being called a 'wise scholar' prior to a gunshot.
The evidence is interesting. 2 eye witnessses who came forward, one 13, the other appearing to be much older. Both backing Zimmerman's claim of which they did not have any information on what the police had taken. Two independent claims both matching the same statement that was made. Don't care what you say, that's pretty hard to do if even trying to lie.
Interestingly enough, Trayvon's phone converstaion said he was on the phone and talking at the time he was shot. A simple phone record may provide some truth to that statement or make it entirely false. In the end we'll end up with a few minute window of Trayvon not being on the phone, after Zimmerman called 911, and after the witness called 911. It will be in that time they will have to determine what happened.
According to the eye witnesses, after the shooting, Zimmerman didn't go about trying to cover it up or bash his face in or head (Shane, Walking Dead anyone?). That gives more proof that Zimmerman was in fact defending himself. Now, where the bullet struck will also be interesting. If you had a firearm and Trayvon was attempting to grab it, then he was rightful in shooting him. That will all be hearsay at that point.
Zimmerman will be half skewered in my opinion. He will be charged with excessive use of force and will not be charged with murder though.
His background is too rooted with blacks to call him a racist. He followed all the procedures and there is evidence of that. What Trayvon did is what the prosecution will have to prove that would say otherwise to 2 witnesses and the suspect's statement. It'll be another OJ Trial all over.