Hoping to spend my money more wisely than giving it to Dell.


Aug 28, 2011
Approximate Purchase Date: Immediately. This week.

Budget Range: Same price or cheaper than the Dell 9100 base model. (999.00 Canadian before taxes)

System Usage from Most to Least Important: 3D - Rendering/Large Maya Scenes. Gaming.

Parts Not Required: Keyboard, Mouse. Monitor (I have 2 x Dell 22"). Speakers. Windows 7. Video Card (GeForce GTX 460) - I'd prefer to use this if at all possible, as I know video cards can be a major expense.

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: NICX.com (there's one right around the corner from me)

Country of Origin: Canada.

Parts Preferences: No preferences. My research shows that a i7 2600 might be a good value?

Overclocking: No. Well, maybe.. if it's super simple and safe and doesn't require any extra hardware.

SLI or Crossfire: No.

Monitor Resolution: 1680x1050 x2

Additional Comments: I want a solid case. Easy to setup, add new HDs etc. I'm willing pay a bit extra for a well built, efficient, easy to use case.