Horizontal flickering lines


Feb 25, 2015
Hi everyone,
So I've been having this problem where random horizontal lines start to flicker all over the screen and then stop and later on come back again. I've seen many threads asking the same thing but none under my circumstances. You see, this is happening in my brand new computer I bought on the 23rd of February of 2015. And it's something kinda of worrysome and discouraging. And even started in the day after i first tuned it in. First thing I did when I turned it on was install the latest drivers for my graphics card. Then I installed this game called Smite and played a match. I had the highest settings enabled. The game started out fine, no problems. But then, lines started flickering all over my screen and suddendly my screen went all black for like 1 sec. And now those flickering lines started to appear even when Im not playing games. (When I'm browsing). And I really don't understand why...
Can you please help me? I really am sad now because everything was perfect until this happened. I use a non-gold platted HDMI cable.

Intel Core i5-4590 3.3Ghz Box
Kingston FURY DDR3 8GB - 1600MHz HyperX
HDD Western Digital 7200 1TB SATA3 - WD10EZEX
Lite-On IHAS124

BenQ GL2250HM

I saw someone saying that separating the VGA cable from the PC power cable; just move them as far away from each other so that the the VGA cable doesn't pick up interference from the power cable... Is this viable for HDMI too?
Hdmi does not use analog, it either does or does not work. Data will be still 1s and 0s and if there is a bad bit the screen will just go blank. Check the refresh rate of the monitor and what the gpu is outputting. Also put your brightness up because of the pwm of the leds might cause it to do that.

So my monitor refresh rate is 60 Hz.
How do you check how much the gpu is outputting?
Thank you for the reply 😀
Right click you desktop and click screen resolution, click advance and click on the monitor tab. Check if the the screen refresh rate is set to 60hz. Also go to your monitor menus (not pc controls, its the buttons on your monitor) And try to find a menu where it tells you resolution and refresh rate. If it says 59.XX hz then there is a bad configuration.
Yesh, being a AMD user makes this hard because I do not know how to navigate through the nvida driver menu.

So I just checked in nvidia's control panel and in Windows and it says that the monitor's refreh rate is 60 Hz!
So what is wrong now? 🙁