Horrible Frame drops and Crashes - Please help


Jan 14, 2018
Honestly I have no clue what to be looking for I have a high end system and I get constant frame drops in games like Counter Strike GO, PUBG and League of Legends. I honestly couldn't care less about them because I was going from say 140 in PUBG to 90 and It didn't really seem like an inconvenience because I was still able to play the game just fine (same goes for League). I haven't played CS:GO in a while and when I came back to it I ended up leaving the game because It was just unplayable, sloppy mouse control constant freezing. And I started looking for solutions.

I tried everything reinstalling the games, following FPS guides online and some of the helped but eventually it just got back to how it was. I reinstalled windows and after that came up short I knew there was still a problem.

Again I gave up on my search for an answer until the other day when I started watching Netflix. I was binge watching Daredevil and At least 10-20 times in a single episode it would freeze and then continue. If I were to open a new tab then come back to Netflix it would continue playing the audio with the same image when I alt tabbed and it would take a few seconds to catch up, and now here we are writing this on tom's Hardware.

I should also note I was having problems when I went into a fullscreen game and game back out of it I was unable to click on some windows until I closed them and re-opened them back up like the Steam Client. ( https://youtu.be/cmmokj2Md8U ) The video is 1min long but the first 40 or so seconds is just me launching and closing PUBG (which in my opinion takes way to long for an SSD)

Long story short no clue what's causing it. Willing to provide information about the problem given the right question and here are my specs:

GTX 1080 Ti
i7 7700k CPU
250GB Samsung SSD and 3TB Hard drive
16GB Corsair Vengeance RAM
Corsair H100i V2 performance cooler