Hot CPU Temperatures


Apr 15, 2014
I have a Powerspec TX366 micro-ATX case with an i5 750. My idling temperatures range from 55C to 70C.

I have tried replacing the thermal paste on the stock cooler, but that did not work.

What else can I do?
1st where have you placed your pc? Placing it in a closed or almost closed cabinet is not good for your temps, blocking the fan(s) in the case should be avoided, you should remember to dust off your pc once in a while (dust could collect in the heatsinks and such.

2nd how many fans does the case have? (not including cpu and gpu), if you only have one and does have space/holes to fit another you should maybe try doing that, having a intake and exhaust is good for the airflow in your case.

Hope some of this could help lower your temps 😉
What method did you use to apply the TIM? Try the small pea sized dab method in the middle of the die, and then make sure you are getting that heatsink mounted down tight. With thermal paste, less is better. Too much will have an opposite effect. And how warm is your office/room? A warm ambient will play havoc with your cooling efforts.

If your temps are still too high after re-applying paste and remounting the heatsink down tight (and that CPU should idle around 30-35C tops), then you should consider getting an aftermarket cooler like a Hyper 212 EVO.

The stock cooler is not good. It is supposed to be adequate, but even that is arguable and the EVO is cheap.

And I know this is a no brainer, but you did make sure the cooler's fan is spinning right? It happens.
It seems to be spinning right and I have tried reapplying thermal paste as well. My office is a little bit hotter than the rest of the house, but not warm enough to warrent the high temps of my computer.

Also, my case is too small for the hyper 212 evo. What else is recommended?