Hi all I have a brand new system i7 3770k (stock) HD100i CPU cooler, 32 GB RAM, Asus P8Z77-V LK motherboard, 2 x Asus GTX680-DC2O-2GD5 graphics cards and a 1200W Silent Pro Gold PSU installed in a Cosair C70 Vengence case. Problem is my graphics cards are running HOT, at idle the lower cards is reading 35 degrees Celsius but the top card is reading 60 degrees - with no load and the card fan at 30%!!! When I start up BF3 the top card peaks to 95 degrees and the fan goes to 100% and is ridculously loud - the wife is not happy. In hindsight I should have specified a higher spec case but any ideas on how to bring that card temp down and also get the noise under control? Room temperature is about 26 degrees.