Hottest safe temps for a 4770k?


Oct 14, 2013
I was wondering what the highest temperature it can operate at for extended times, say 10+ hours. By safe I mean, safest for the CPU's overall life, I want it to last a long time.

Would around 60 C be good for full load and around 40 for average and around 30 for idle?

Also I can't decide whether to go custom loop cooling with a 480 rad or a huge air cooler. My case is a 900D and I thinks it's kind of weird to air cool it but it costs 1/4 the cost. Just so hard to decide, if you were me what would you do. Money isn't the actual issue, it's just do I really need a $400+ custom loop. HARD!!!
60 on full load would be great, but there won't be any difference between 60C and 70C on full load as far as longevity goes. The biggest thing you can do for 4770k temps is delid it, having a custom 480 will avail you little if you keep the stock glue job on the IHS.