How bad is the GigaCube R9600P?


Jan 16, 2003
I read the FAQ and saw that GigaCube cards are no good, after I got a Radeon 9600Pro by them. Ok, I had to RMA the first card they sent me and now I have one that works fine. I wanna know if I should expect any hit in performance when I compare it to another R9600p.

I had a much better usertitle but was caught trying to hack me a better one so I got my current title as a punishment


Probably not. They are trying to cut a few corners to give a reasonable product at a low price. Fact is that most of the electronics on the board are controlled by spec. You may not be able to oc as well as some, but lately not everyone can. The quality of some of the caps, resistors, ram etc. may be poor, just hang onto the guarantee.