How bad would the AMD Athlon II X4 640 be for gaming?


Sep 28, 2015
Hello everyone,

I know this made be a weird question but I have a store-bought pc ( that is collecting dust ever since I built my first gaming rig (had loads of fun learning)

Since it is collecting dust, I thought about making it a portable gaming/ home theater pc. Since I already have the cpu, motherboard, RAM, and Windows 7 would it be smart to add a hard drive (took the hardrive from that to use in my gaming rig), gpu (thinking of the r7 250), and a slim case?

Think I could get at least 40 FPS with medium to high settings on games such as Spintires, America's Army😛roving Grounds,, and Rocket League at 720p?

Sounds feasible. It's weak point is floating point performance, and although it is an older CPU, it can handle the R7 250 and gaming at 720p/medium-high settings at or above 30FPS. You could probably get away okay with up to a GTX 750Ti if you wanted to hit the mark. Spintires is kind of CPU heavy though, so you will need to turn down some of the environment settings likely. I would say go for it.
Sounds feasible. It's weak point is floating point performance, and although it is an older CPU, it can handle the R7 250 and gaming at 720p/medium-high settings at or above 30FPS. You could probably get away okay with up to a GTX 750Ti if you wanted to hit the mark. Spintires is kind of CPU heavy though, so you will need to turn down some of the environment settings likely. I would say go for it.

Awesome. Thanks for the feedback!
ok heres games i played with gts 250 and that cpu
GTA V 720p 30fps not stable but playable
LoL maxed 150fps 1680x1050 resolution
DIRT 3 maxed out 16x Anti Aliasing 60fps constant
Spintires maxed 40fps or even more some times ,like most of the time 50fps 1680x1050
Farcry 3 medium all 1680x1050 with nvidias FXAA 25-40 fps very playable ...