arknex Reputable Jun 27, 2016 34 0 4,540 Jul 28, 2016 #1 My specs Fx 6300 R7 360 430w Psu 8 Gbs of ram I know i would probably need to upgrade to atleast a 500w or higher
My specs Fx 6300 R7 360 430w Psu 8 Gbs of ram I know i would probably need to upgrade to atleast a 500w or higher
Solution Mike3k24 Jul 28, 2016 The bottleneck won't be bad at all. You'll likely see a little when in major CPU intensive task.
Mike3k24 Respectable Apr 21, 2016 1,218 0 2,660 Jul 28, 2016 Solution #2 The bottleneck won't be bad at all. You'll likely see a little when in major CPU intensive task. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
B burgessanthony Dignified Jun 27, 2012 3,016 4 13,960 Jul 28, 2016 #3 Hmmm drop off tends to be around the fx6xxx point in CPU intensive games. Depends what you play Upvote 0 Downvote
arknex Reputable Jun 27, 2016 34 0 4,540 Jul 29, 2016 #4 what would be the best upgrade from the r7 360 that won't bottleneck the cpu to much? Upvote 0 Downvote
B burgessanthony Dignified Jun 27, 2012 3,016 4 13,960 Jul 30, 2016 #5 A 970 is fine, but in SOME games you will see less performance and the 970 held back. For a small investment, get an aftermarket cooler and oc the cpu to help. Upvote 0 Downvote
A 970 is fine, but in SOME games you will see less performance and the 970 held back. For a small investment, get an aftermarket cooler and oc the cpu to help.
arknex Reputable Jun 27, 2016 34 0 4,540 Aug 2, 2016 #6 yes i have a coolermaster and my cpu is overclocked to 4.8 ghz Upvote 0 Downvote