[SOLVED] How best to fix scratched side-panel on my Be Quiet 802 ?


Aug 7, 2012
My side panel had finger marks and I cleaned it with screen cleaner and a microfibre which normally does the trick for most things but surprisingly, it scratched the panel.

View: https://imgur.com/a/zwFETdE

Was wondering if I can fix it by using a clean microfibre cloth and Meguiars Ultimate Polish (normally for cars) to remove the scratch, or are there any other ideas ?

In the future, I think the best method would be a clean microfibre and a car detailer spray instead.
The microfiber most likely had a small rock or sand or object embedded in the cloth which scratched the case.

You could try a Ultimate Polish, that would likely work. Alternatively, you could try PolyWatch which is meant for Watch faces, but could work here.