How big of a difference would these 2 CPUs have between them?

I'm building a new pc for my mom to replace her old, tired dell. I want to build her the best rig I can, but at a low price. I am having trouble deciding between getting her an i5 3570k or an i3 4330 cpu. Her current dell has a P4 dual core 2.8ghz cpu. I want the new one to be significantly faster than the old one, but I am not sure that going 4 core will benifit her enough to outweigh the $80 price difference between the i3 and the i5. The only things she does on her pc is web browsing, email, taxes, MS office stuff, and every so often some simple browser based games. I just don't know that she will ever utilize those extra 2 cores.
What do you all think?
for office stuff get the i3. at least it's a newer generation cpu. the i5 is a better cpu but like you said, it's not worth the 80usd difference - not for office stuff anyway.

edit: the 80usd diff is better served on an ssd for the os.
for office stuff get the i3. at least it's a newer generation cpu. the i5 is a better cpu but like you said, it's not worth the 80usd difference - not for office stuff anyway.

edit: the 80usd diff is better served on an ssd for the os.