How can I add graphics card to pre-built PC?


Aug 22, 2014
Hey guys, first, thank you for even taking the time to read this thread. My question is, how do I add a graphics card to a pre-built PC? I know that building your own PC is overall cheaper and better, but me and my parents don't want the hassle of installing a OS and warranty issues, so please don't suggest that.

I'm planning to buy this PC from Newegg: If you don't want to click it, it's basically an Acer Aspire for $400 that includes an i5-4440/4GB RAM/ 500GB HDD/ 300W PSU) Then I will buy a R9 285 from Newegg as well, add 4GB of RAM to make it a total of 8GB and replace the PSU to 500W Corsair one. The total will be around $550 after discounts and mail in rebates.

I want to know exactly how to add the video card, like if I need to do anything with the BIOS or unlocking something or even if I can, since I heard some computers do not allow you to do that. It would be great if I got a response who has actually done what I'm about to do on the same Acer PC! Thank you again for reading.
There is a couple things to consider. One, look at the case and make sure it fits the requirements for the graphics card you are looking to add. In the bios, you are going to want to disable the on board graphics card and run directly of the discrete graphics card. I would upgrade your powersupply as well due to the increase draw from the R9 for example. Otherwise, it should be pretty plug and play (then installtion of graphic card drivers.
It appears there is a free PCIE 2.0 slot on its board, which is good. You can add a graphics card, but first you need to buy a new PSU. The included 300w PSU will not be enough. To know what PSU wattage to get, consider the card your getting. If it is 100-150 watts (like most low-mid range cards), get a 500w PSU. If it is more high-end, a 600w.