How can I check my PSU health?

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Jul 22, 2018
Assembling a new PC soon, and I'd like to re-use the power supply. My current pc has tripped out many many times, and it seems to do so just as the cpu temps reach 86Cdegrees. So I don't think the power supply is the cause. But could it have sustained damage after all these shut downs? Is there a way I can check the robustness of the PSU before purchasing new parts?
There is no easy way to test a psu.
Go ahead and plan on using the psu.
It is not the most reliable of units, but it is not a dangerous one.
If the unit is failing, it is unlikely to damage parts.
650w should be sufficient for any build.

Which psu?
Its hard to check if psu is still proper.
Cause you need osciloscope (DC should not viggle around 12-11.5-11.9 every mili second, also known as ripple),
You need proper load on rails.
Dont look at those cheap psu testers, they are only for checking if psu can start uo at 0 load.

Usually cheap psu's have high voltage at start (to the limit of 5%), and then as the load gradually goes higher, voltage comes to stable (12.03~).
There is no easy way to test a psu.
Go ahead and plan on using the psu.
It is not the most reliable of units, but it is not a dangerous one.
If the unit is failing, it is unlikely to damage parts.
650w should be sufficient for any build.

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