Question How can I connect an external equalizer to Edifier1850DB?


Jul 31, 2012

I have a Bellari EQ570 that I want to connect to an Edifier 1850DB. Is there a way to do it without connecting to another component with its own pre-amp? I don't see a pre-amp out on the speakers.


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You're going to need a pair of RCA(male to male) connectors or the 3.5mm analog to RCA male splitters(bundled with the speakers), run the cables between the output of the Bellari and into the inputs of your Edifier speaker.


Strangely, I don't notice any change in sound if I connect the EQ with 3.5 to RCA, nor with RCA to RCA. Which is also the basic way to connect the EQ to the speakers.

So, apparently the EQ doesn't have its own pre-amp. That means you need a component like a Bluetooth receiver/DAC or a turntable with a pre-amp and a line out section connected to the input of the EQ and then come out of the EQ's outs into the speaker.

My question though, is since the speakers have their own pre-amp, is there way to come out of the speakers, then into the EQ, then back into the speakers, even though the speakers have no output?

I guess there isn't a way, but I thought it was worth asking.

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