How can I connect my android box to my home theatre system to get surround sound when playing my android box?

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May 23, 2016
The android box only has a connection that says AV. I have this port on the home theatre but which cable can I use to connect the 2 for surround sound from the android box when I am using it? I've been trying to solve this for weeks. If anyone knows the answer - please tell me. Thanks

Thank you for your help. I appreciate you taking the time to solve my issue.

KANEWOLF -YOU ARE THE MAN!!! Just hooked up the cables you told me to get and it was a success. Truly grateful for your knowledge. Keep doing what you do. Thanks again...

Hi KANEWOLF...hope all is well. I need your expertise once again. I have the same prior issue -I'm trying to connect my surround sound system to my streaming android box for surround sound out of the tv. The home theatre is Coby DVD-925. There is no HDMI port on the home theater. When I play a movie everything is fine as far as the sound and picture. But when I play the box I can see the picture when I change my tv to hdmi input but there's no sound. Also the home theatre only has Aux1 and Aux2 inputs which I don't have on my tv. Please help..thank you in advance.

kindly can you resend the link for the cable to be used for this question asked please

Can you also help me, please!? I've got the MXQ and would like to connect it with my Samsung Home Theater System HT-Q70 / HT-TQ72 This one does not have the HDMI Out Port. I'm just confused as it does have some external audio imputs but not sure which one to use. Many thanks!

The Samsung has an OPTICAL digital input. The MXQ has a coax digital output. You need a converter like this -- Use an 3.5mm mono RCA cable on the MXQ side and optical cable on the Samsung side.
Hi Kanwolf,

I've got the MXQ and would like to connect it with my Panasonic Home Theater System SC-BTT 465. I used Toslink optical cable to connect from my Box (SPDIF) to the home theater's optical in but seems like it is not working. Could you please help me. Thanks



Read the post DIRECTLY ABOVE YOUR'S. It addresses exactly this. The MQX had digital COAX output. You need a converter box to adapt from COAX to OPTICAL.
Hi Kanewolf, what if i use Optical cable to connect from my HDTV (optical out) to my home theather (optical in)? will that work? will the sound quality same if i connect from MXQ direct to my home theater? Thanks


Hi, i was wondering if you or anyone knows how to connect a LG HT305SU Home Theatre (aug 2010) system to a mxq android box, i tried the hdmi cable, and a standard 3.5 mm auxilary cord on both ports and played with the settings for days including on my 50 inch Led LG tv and haven't solved at all yet, im assuming a special cord and the right settings or a new home theatre system would help me...SOS


I am going to close this thread. It has been revived by three different posters. Please start a new thread. Since this is "solved" no one will see your post.
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