How can i ensure that both graphics cards will run in 16x?


Sep 8, 2017
So in a few months time, I'm building a new PC for gaming and video editing/creation. The motherboard I'm gonna be using is the Asus Rog Rampage V Edition 10. You can check it out here:

Now, I'm gonna be using dual 1080TI cards as well as a sound card, the Asus Essence STX 2. I'm also gonna be building a custom water loop for the CPU and both cards and possibly the chipset and VRM as well. The last thing i want is to put the thing together, leave the pumps running for a day to get rid of the air then finally perform the first boot, only to find out that one, or god forbid, both of my cards are running in 8X. Is there anyway to make sure they both run in 16x? Do i need to put them into certain slots or does it really matter anymore? Thanks!
You can always read the User's Manual Pg. 1-7

In order to ensure an x16/x16 SLI configuration, you will need to have a 40 PCIE Lane CPU and use slots PCI-EX16/X8_1 and PCI-EX16/X8_3. I would note that it appears that installing a card in PCI-EX16/X8_3 would appear to make your PCI-Ex1_1 unavailable. Your sound card would probably need to be installed in the PCI-EX4_1 slot.

-Wolf sends
You can always read the User's Manual Pg. 1-7

In order to ensure an x16/x16 SLI configuration, you will need to have a 40 PCIE Lane CPU and use slots PCI-EX16/X8_1 and PCI-EX16/X8_3. I would note that it appears that installing a card in PCI-EX16/X8_3 would appear to make your PCI-Ex1_1 unavailable. Your sound card would probably need to be installed in the PCI-EX4_1 slot.

-Wolf sends

I know. But my point is which slots are 16x? The top? The bottom? And yeah, my sound card uses the x1 slot.

Alright Thanks!