How can i find my outlook product key from cd

Farhad hamedanchi

Dec 31, 2011
I can not find my out look 2010 product key.I have the CD but not the key number.Do you know if I run the CD,I might find the product key somewhere?
The key is in the package that the CD came in. You could try Magic Jelly Bean Keyfinder.
Nope, the CD is generic and you won't get the key off of it. If you have installed office on another hard drive you could magic jelly bean that hard drive to get the key.

Why do newbies feel that it's necessary to repost what's already been posted?
because in the culture of instantaneous satisfaction, there is a belief that posting it many times or bumping after 20mins leads to satisfaction, in fact it leads to be dissatisfied with the answer, and learning nothing for ones self.
Thank you for the explanation! I guess I'm getting too old and the world is passing my by.