How can I fix stuttering while gaming on 60hz monitor?

Aug 10, 2018
Hello !
Basically, when I game on monitor's native resolution(in my case 1920x1080) the game is stuttering. The stuttering is most visible and frustating in Fortnite and CS:GO. What can I do about this? Should I get a new monitor with higher refresh rate? (P.S. I am running Fortnite at 120fps and CS:GO at about 180fps)
If you are on Nvidia, go into control panel and turn on fast sync for the games you use. Once you do this, go in and turn off vsync, this should help with the stuttering issues. You should also try to monitor your couch/gpu ussge to see if u are potentially bottlenecking somewhere.

I am on Nvidia...I tried what you've said, but i only have vsync option, not fast sync or smt like that. I did that a few weeks ago with vsync off from control panel, but not solved my stuttering.