[SOLVED] How can I identify coil whine?

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Jun 15, 2020
I have bought a new gigabyte RTX 2070 Super and it has a very low sound not like what I hear from the internet and people have it in a really loud noise

and it happens when I start a game and it is a continuous sound it does not change over time MAYBE the sound gets higher a little but not that much .

The sound stops when I stop the game and I do not know if it is coil whine or no because it is very low I can hear it out side the case but it does not annoy me
The timing of your noise would suggest coil whine, yes - as games launch, very high FPS (in game menus etc).

To attempt to isolate, you could enable V-Sync or cap the FPS to 60Hz (or lower), which should lessen the stress - and the noise should be noticeably 'better' or non-existent.

Beyond that, you could capture a video & share it here, so we can get a better idea.

Ultimately, coil whine is not a 'problem' beyond being a bit annoying. It's an expected occurrence, just a matter of how bad it is. My EVGA XC Ultra 2070Super has terrible coil whine. I'd expect the Black & XC variants to have similar concerns...
The timing of your noise would suggest coil whine, yes - as games launch, very high FPS (in game menus etc).

To attempt to isolate, you could enable V-Sync or cap the FPS to 60Hz (or lower), which should lessen the stress - and the noise should be noticeably 'better' or non-existent.

Beyond that, you could capture a video & share it here, so we can get a better idea.

Ultimately, coil whine is not a 'problem' beyond being a bit annoying. It's an expected occurrence, just a matter of how bad it is. My EVGA XC Ultra 2070Super has terrible coil whine. I'd expect the Black & XC variants to have similar concerns...
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