How Can I Improve My Rig?


Aug 30, 2015
I've been playing PUBG as my main go to game for a while now and I am not able to comfortably run the game at max graphics settings, which is what I'd like to able to do. I'd also like to be able to run WoW with SSA 4x Anti Aliasing smoothly, but it drops below 60 FPS. Mainly though, PUBG is my biggest pet peeve. $500 budget for upgrades, but... any other recommendations either lower or higher in price range will be considered.
My current set up is:
Gigabyte X99 Motherboard
Intel Core i7-5930K @ 3.5Ghz (12 CPUs)
24GB of DDR4 RAM
NVIDIA GeForce Titan X
Lol the 7700K isn't really worth switching to plus you lose more than you gain.

The 5930k you can overclock it vary easily, Get it to at least 4 or 4.2ghz or more if cooling allows.

24GB of ram? How do you have your stick set up? I recommend you get them running in Quad channel with 4 sticks of ram, This is quad channel, I assume with 24GB you are in Dual or Tripple channel mode which can limit the fps in CPU demanding games but might not fix it.

Also this game is not optimized real well, I got 2x 1070's and the game will still drop below 60fps at times at 1440p.

My buddy with an i7 5960x at 4.2ghz and 2x 1080ti's often drops below 60fps in some cases, mostly big towns.

You're choice on what you want to do, Overclcoking your CPU is free and like I said, is vary vary easy to get to at the vary lest 4ghz on all 6 cores.

Really appreciate this. Could you recommend me a video or some sort of article on how to overclock my CPU? Also, yeah the rig originally came with 4 sticks of ram @ 32GB but one came dead and I never bothered to send it in for exchange so now it's running on 3. Would it be worth upgrading my ram? This is what I have installed:
Brian overclocks the 5820k, but it's pretty much the same among all x99 chips, And it depends on the cooler you have, that will end up being your limiting factor. 80C on the cores or lower, try not to go above 80C for long periods.

Here is a x99 gigabyte board and a overclocking guide

Im sorry I can't help you too much, I don't own a x99 gigabyte board to help walk you threw it.

Also it might be worth upgrading you're ram, or simply trying to find the same speed and model of a single stick that quit working.

Though the CPU overclock will probably give you a bigger boost, Gigabyte should have a auto overclock. I don't like auto, but as long as temps and the stability is fine, I don't see a problem with letting the board auto overclock.

Is there a way to figure out what cooling system unit I have installed? I purchased this rig from Cyberpower two years ago and I don't have the receipt to look up the spec information. I do remember it came with "liquid cooling."
For a pure gaming rig there is really no need to waste money on a x299 platform, that's why i suggested I7-7700K instead or even better, wait for the I7-8700K.
Yes you can overclock to 4-4.2 GHz, but the I7 will overclock to 4,8-5GHz.

Well, he asked to Improve his rig, not build a new entire rig.

He has an already x99 system, it would be a waste to buy a 7700k, when the 5930k when overclocked beats a stock 7700k. Sure the 7700K overall is faster when both are overclocked but isn't worth to upgrade to or sidegrade for a less than 10 - 15% performance gain.

The real gain would be the GPU, move over to a 1080ti. The Titan X is around a GTX 1070 performance range, not a huge jump to go to the 1080 non TI.

But either way his system should be able to pull more FPS than what hes getting, something is wrong, my system with 2x 780ti's were getting fps over 60 in PUBG on high 90% of the time with the occasional stutter due to only 3GB of vram, Vary high wasn't an option for my cards unfortunately. Even with 2x GTX1070's I still drop below 60's in cretin areas normally big towns, thats on a i7 5820k 6 core 12 thread. Only different is, I got 4x stick of ram in quad channel and my CPU is at 4.6ghz and he should be beating my old 780ti's.


One thing that's crossed me is the fact I have 3 sticks of ram so I'm not in quad channel. I bought a new stick of RAM today at Fry's and my CPU won't boot when I have it installed alongside the other three. They are different models but the same exact specifications and brand. The kit that came with the the rig I'm guessing was specifically built for this custom third party custom PC build company called Cyberpower PC from whom I purchased the rig from. So they are no longer available which is why I purchased the single stick that I did, it is exactly the same specifications and brand, just a different model. Any way, not sure if any of you guys could help me with that issue, knowing it's separate from the posted issue but it's maybe something that will improve my performance by running quad channel.
You may have to reset the cmos or bios to get the system to boot with the other stick, If you want to try it here are the steps.

1) Power down the system
2) Unplug the system from the wall or pull the power from the back of the Power supply
3) IMPORTANT! Hold the power button down while its unplugged from the wall to drain the power, Fans could spin for a brief moment or lights might flash
4) Open the side panel and locate the button cell battery, some call it a watch battery, sometimes its in a bad spot like under the graphics card
5) Pop the battery out, and wait about 60 seconds
6) Reinstall the button cell battery with the writing facing out and reinstall the graphics card if you have to
7) Make sure the Graphics card power is plugged in and plug in the system and see if it boots with the new stick of ram

If you do this, the system may take a while to boot and even restart several times to reconfigure the bios for your hardware, Wait a bit and see if anything is displayed on the screen, If it fails to boot, that means that stick of ram wont work with your already existing sticks, I'd return it at the point.

It happens even if they are the same brand and model even.

I had 2 kits of Corsair Vengeance Pro 3000mhz ram, they came in a kit with 2 8Gb sticks in each kit, Numbers looks and everything was the same, but the revision numbers were different between both kits. they would not work at all together, but they would work fine by them selfs.

Unfortunately if you don't want to take the battery out, the only option would be to take the stick back for a refund, and get your self a quad channel kit, sometimes you have ask an employee as they are sometimes not on the self's or display (at least thats what Micro Center does). And try that.

You can always return the kit if it don't help your performance, just make sure you install them stagerd or in the same colored slots exactly like that MSI board in the Pic I linked for Quad channel to work. If that dosn't help, A GPU upgrade to the 1080ti might not improve your game performance much in PUBG due to the low clocked CPU, Overclock it some and the game will start to perform better.

You can also reinstall the video drivers to see if performance improves, Sometimes the drivers go crazy after a few updates and it needs to be reinstalled for the best performance.

You can see if your Titan is limiting you by downloading something like MSI afterburner, and watch the graph as you play PUBG, Watch the GPU usage, if the graphics card usage is at 100% then a graphics card upgrade would help you as that means you are GPU bottleneck, which isn't bad if you are getting the desired FPS, but if its at anything but 99% and FPS is not where you want it, than that means the CPU is holding the card back or its a poorly optimized game which is typically CPU heavy.

Because you have 6 core i7 dosn't always mean you will get the best performance, Clock speeds do matter to an extent. Intel often lowers the clock speeds of their high core count chips which can negatively impact performance in some games compare to lets say a higher clocked 4 core i7. But with a few tweaks in the bios you can have it perform nearly as well if not better in some cases than a stock i7 7700k.

Hopefully I didn't confuse you lol.

Post back if you need more help!