Question how can I improve upload speeds

Mason Methot

Jul 17, 2015
The girlfriends job requires her to download and upload videos for work. Downloading files isn't really an issue. I think our internet is 500mbps, but the upload is 30-40mbps.
Uploading a 30gb video takes hours.
The question is, how can we improve on this?
I checked and my residence isn't in an area that really gets the best wireless services. So am I stuck with that fact until they decide to improve it? (maybe when they start building suburbs)
Bell Fiber isn't available in my area at all. Are we stuck with slow internet?


You might want to contact your ISP and find out how much upload bandwidth you're allotted for what you're paying for;
but the upload is 30-40mbps
To me that reads like the speeds you're getting, not what you're paying for. If that is indeed what you're paying for, then there's not much you can do to up that speed since it's their end.
As noted above you really need to review the terms of your plan with your ISP. Most "consumer" plans only offer low upload speeds since the ISP may want you to sign up for an expensive "commercial" plan to get high upload speeds comparable to your download speeds.
I am not sure what you mean by "wireless service". You are not going to get anywhere near the 500 down 30 up you currently have on any form of wireless. I assume that you currently have some kind of wire coming into the house.

Everything you see about "5G" mobile broadband networks is marketing hype. Most the providers kinda conspired with each other to just rename some of their existing services "5G" when it at best is a slightly better form of 4G LTE.

What was originally called 5G and designed for home use didn't work all that well because the signals didn't go very far and you needed outdoor antenna to make it work. So the marketing guys took over from the engineers and just pretended that there was some massively better mobile broadband.

Unlike ethernet and the older point to point fiber connections almost all other technology has some fixed amount of total bandwidth. So if there is 1gbit total they could divide 500 down and 500 up but they know that the actual usage is almost all download so they might divide it 900 down and 100 up. All depends what your ISP offers you can't change it yourself
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