there will always be bottleneck
if you see cpu at 100% all the time, you need a faster cpu, in your case you have a very slow cpu, definitively a cpu bottleneck there
the percentage varies, if yu see a cpu at 40% or less while the gpu is at 99%, your gpu is bottlenecking the cpu which could do more but is limited by the gpu
if the gpu is at 40 or 50% and cpu is at 99%, 100% all the time, as must be your case, you need a faster cpu to keep pushing information to the gpu and show better frames per second on the screen, more fluid gameplay
if you have a a4, any cpu you buy must be a fm2+ cpu, i would recoemnd you to buy a x4 860k, i have that one, is quite decent, will not push that rx you have, so you will keep having some form of bottleneck but it will be reduced drastically the bottleneck you have and the frames per second will increase at least 10 frames per second more
if you want more speed from your gpu, in your case you will need new cpu, new mainboard, new ram
you can go the intel path or the amd ryzen path
a i3 7100 or a g4560 from intel would be good, a ryzen r5 would be great
both cpus will require new ram, ddr4, that is why you need new mainboard, new cpu and new ram
if you are limited on the budget side, the x4 860k, is the way to go
be sure to have 8 gbs of ram, ddr3 1600 if possible, 16 would be even better
i have that pu and 8 gbs of ram, but i have a r7 250, the cpu is bottlenecked sometimes by the gpu, on other occasions the games is bottlenecked by the cpu, in gta v i get more cpu bottleneck that gpu sometimes gta v asks for more cpu than gpu but on some moments i see gpu at 99% and cpu at 60% only
if you buy the x4 860k consider buying a cooler for it, something like a evo 212, not for the heat by overcloking it a little bit, more for the noise if you care about that, ido and would like less noise
mine is running at 3.9 ghz with the stock cooler, it works well, under load seems to reach around 50°c, perhaps a bit more, i'm having sensor problems with it, so no reading is accurate in it, sometimes happens with some mainboard and cpus