How can i move to intel ?


Oct 6, 2014
I was looking to get a new pc and i know that intel has better performance , however the pc i have now is AMD and apparently when you move to intel a lot of data is lost.
Any suggestions ?
First off moving from AMD to Intel will mean buying a new motherboard and CPU. Microsoft will not give you a new key unless you have a retail version of the OS, that is to big of a hardware change to warrant a free key with an OEM key.

First step before you do anything is go into C:\Users\(username) and copy all the folders and any other information you may want to keep to a usb stick or external drive. This will keep you user profile.

Next after you get your new computer, weather your replace everything or just the MB and CPU, you will need to format your HDD/SSD and reinstall a new copy of windows. Once done put in your MB cd and install all the drivers, do windows updates and then go back in and paste the user file folders...


Nov 23, 2013
What do you mean by "a lot of data is lost"? If you are building a new PC, the only thing you are losing is the old OS, and if you call Microsoft you can usually get a replacement key for free.

Edit: And if you don't use the old hard drive, obviously any data on there is lost too lol
I am pretty sure you meant the motherboard. Because that's the component that registers the OS. And as mentioned about the OS, you can get a free key by Microsoft. Just call them and they'll give you a product key over the line. But I can't guarantee you that, but I am pretty sure they do.

Note: If you have an OEM version then bad luck mate.
If you plan to change to Intel from a AMD CPU, then you will need to change the motherboard too.

Please provide a budget if you need help.


Oct 6, 2014

i get that but i was thinking of backing up a lot of photos , music , videos and software
a few people told me that you will have to get all the drivers and software and stuff like that all over again , is this true ?



Nov 23, 2013

Yes, it's a brand new PC lol. However it's all free and easy to get and install

Edit: Just put all your photos, music etc on your old hard drive and then put the old hard drive in your new computer.
First off moving from AMD to Intel will mean buying a new motherboard and CPU. Microsoft will not give you a new key unless you have a retail version of the OS, that is to big of a hardware change to warrant a free key with an OEM key.

First step before you do anything is go into C:\Users\(username) and copy all the folders and any other information you may want to keep to a usb stick or external drive. This will keep you user profile.

Next after you get your new computer, weather your replace everything or just the MB and CPU, you will need to format your HDD/SSD and reinstall a new copy of windows. Once done put in your MB cd and install all the drivers, do windows updates and then go back in and paste the user file folders back to their old location.

Once that is all said in done you can start to install all your old programs and games.