How can I overclock Xeon W3530 in Dell T3500 ?

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Sep 3, 2015
I have a Dell T3500 workstation with Xeon W3530 @ 2.8 Turbo 3.06 but this is not enough for games like GTA V and you know that there is no overclocking options in the bios .. So What can I do ? Any chances with unlocked versions of bios for overclocking purposes or something like that ?
Thank you for your fast reply .. the frequency is not that bad specially in turbo mode .. I always watching cpu usage and other useful information with msi afterburner during gaming and I didn't see my cpu bottleneck my system in any game except GTA V .. the cpu usage dramatically increased to like 90% and even 100% in some places in Los Santos specially in areas with a lot of cars makes the game stutter a bit .. I run it at Very High every thing except grass quality set to high and no MSAA and it run perfectly @ 40 + fps .. other games never exceed 80% of cpu usage like Battlefield 4 .. I play at 1440 x 900 resolution .. so I'm happy with that performance until a major upgrade or even a new build .. I currently use an AMD Firepro V8800 GPU .. I know it is a workstation class gpu but perform very well with games .
setfsb if you can find the right pll
The chip is usually net to an oblong silver diode.Get a magnifying glass and read the number off of it.

And after getting this number what will I do with it ? The bios already has no such option for cpu overclocking .. So .. What's the point !

It can be overclocked easily on any consumer X58 board except things like Dell , HP , Lenovo .. etc .. so the chip itself is overclockable but not with a Dell board .
The OEMs lock those settings in their BIOSes for just these reasons. OCing a Xeon, in general, is very limited anyway.

Remember, OEMs (especially in a workstation class system) are about reliability and stability, not about gaming performance.
My rig is a Dell T3500 with a Dell 525 Watt PSU .. Is it okay ?
Remember .. I used to run a Firepro V8800 video card which consume a bloody 225 Watt in load 😀 .. And the 680 consume only 195 Watt .. But it is a Super Overclocked version ( GALAXY GTX 680 SOC ) .. So what do you think my friend ?
My PSU is a Dell 525 Watt in a Dell Workstation T3500 .. I installed a GALAXY GTX 680 SOC 2GB and the all I had was a blank screen and gpu fans very loud .. This PSU only has one 6-pin power connector and the gpu has two 8-pin power connectors .. So we connected the gpu with one 8-pin which came with it and the 6-pin connector which the psu has and the pc didn't post .. So we opened the PSU and took a two ground wires from the black ground wire so we could have the missing 2 ground wires to turn our 6-pin connectors to a 8-pin one .. So now we have now 2 x 8-pin power connectors then we turned on pc and we have the same result .. spinning gpu fas with a blank screen .. we unplugged the two 8-pin connectors to hear a beeb sound but we didn't !! The pc is running well with a two other cards one of them is a GTX 960 without any problem .. Any help ?
Are you sure the 680 works? If so, I suspect your PSU is the issue.

Since you opened/modified the PSU, I would recommend NOT using it at all. Time for a new one. You can use standard ATX PSUs in Dells. You may have a small gap in the case opening, but that does not present any sort of issue.

Ihave been looking at these T3500 systems for the last few days.
The X56xx chips and W36xx chips are monsters of a cpu to overclock. Just need a X58 mobo though, and they are expensive. I could have had a system for $250cdn today, but it was sold, had some wimpy cpu in it like a w35xx which are just wimps. But I am going on what one person said in another forum about those monster CPU's. But on a dell, no way to o/c it.
Since the Dell T3500's BIOS does not allow overclocking, try replacing the chip.

A X5672 (quad core 3.2-3.6 GHz) is $35 on eBay.

A X5687 (quad core 3.6-3.8 GHz) is $80 in eBay.

A X5680 (hex core 3.33-3.6GHz) is $115 on eBay.

(Now, it's time for someone who has never installed a Xeon processor to claim any used processor is doomed. Xeons are different. They are used by server techs, and have a lot more self-checking built in. You can kill a Xeon, but it will tell you it's dead instead of slowly going flaky.)
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