How can i plug one monitor into the GPU HDMI slot and one into the motherboard HDMI slot?


Jun 29, 2016
My GPU has only one HDMI slot and my mobo has only one as well. I don't want to buy a DVI-D cable because i can't find one in my country. All advice is appreciated. Motherboard: Z170A Gaming M3, GPU is R9 290 Double Dissipation edition.
Check in BIOS. See if the setting saved. If yes, then try removing the cable from the graphics card and using it for the motherboard connection. See if the monitor does work.

so no way i can do it with one in gpu and one in mobo?

If you need 2 HDMI ports then buy a DVI to HDMI adapter, you do not want to plug into your motherboard because that will not run off of your GPU.

No, the GPU has 2 DVI-D Slots and the MoBo has one HDMI and one DVI-D slot. I cannot find a DVI-D cable here in Lithuania.
How do i download intel graphics drivers?
Most motherboards are not set up to be able to enable both, most likely the iGPU is using the processor's internal PCIe lanes. You need to connect both to your GPU, also if it even did work the GPU would not be used for the monitor connected to the motherboard.

intel driver update utility would be the easiest way


Problem is, my second monitor only has a VGA port.