How can I prevent DDOS attacks?


Apr 9, 2013
I've been playing a lot of black ops 2 lately, and have been getting booted offline quite a bit. Happens when the other team is angry over a loss, and I start getting a one bar and my whole internet just slows down or stops working. I'll have to reset my router, and then it takes a while for my internet to get back to the good speeds.

Is anything i can do to prevent these attacks? Like any kind of software or something?
This is the key reason to never give someone your IP. You maybe could play via a proxy or vpn service.

It is not likely a true DDOS since that implies they control lots of machines that could attack. Still you can do a lot of damage with a single machine if you know what you are doing and have enough upload bandwidth.

Not much you can do. It should not really have much affect on your router hard to say why it helps to reset. In most cases it is likely just excessive traffic. Only the ISP can really stop it and they have to be in mood to help you. Not much you can do about denial of service. How would you prevent someone from calling your phone over and over from a skype phone where the calling number changes all the time...
This is the key reason to never give someone your IP. You maybe could play via a proxy or vpn service.

It is not likely a true DDOS since that implies they control lots of machines that could attack. Still you can do a lot of damage with a single machine if you know what you are doing and have enough upload bandwidth.

Not much you can do. It should not really have much affect on your router hard to say why it helps to reset. In most cases it is likely just excessive traffic. Only the ISP can really stop it and they have to be in mood to help you. Not much you can do about denial of service. How would you prevent someone from calling your phone over and over from a skype phone where the calling number changes all the time.

You best bet is to find a way to not expose your actual IP address


Apr 9, 2013
How can I do that when I'm playing online games on my PS3? I don't know of a way to block my IP Address when I'm playing online games.

Aren't these attacks illegal? Why the heck is it so easy for someone to just boot you offline? It's a pathetic way to win a game. Are there any programs I can use to prevent my IP from getting flooded?
Welcome to the world of online games where WINNING is all that matters. Even though all you win are pixels in a computer some people will do anything to get them.

You can do nothing on your end. You can run all the software you like and you cannot unsend all the packets that that used up all the capacity. Maybe a better router if the router itself cannot handle the traffic but in most cases they just use up all the bandwidth you purchased from your ISP.

Only way to prevent this is to play via a vpn service. You would then get a IP that changes a lot and they could attack the VPN service all they want and would never be able to overload their internet connection.


Apr 9, 2013
That is stupid. It's nice to know that while playing on my PS3, theres nothing I or anyone on my team can do against some idiots who have to DDOS in order to win.

I also don't know why its so common in black ops 2, but not in any of the other games i've played. I'll randomly get connection interrupted, or my teammates will and then you know that you're the victim of another attack.


Dec 16, 2013

the way people boot you offline is they get your ip #and the send a lot of packages which slows down your internet or modem you can counter this by blacklisting your ip address. i think there are some options at