How can I "re-share" a project amongst Google accounts?


May 24, 2015
Ever struggle with a problem when you should already be in bed and your brain is rapidly shutting down for the night? I think sharing requires users to pick a person to share with, then send a file in a second step. Problem is, there is nothing that indicates this is a two-step process, and I'm new to the game. As for the original issue at hand . . . .

On my personal Google account, I created a Slides presentation for work. I shared the project to my work account, but removed it because it was not flagged as the new owner of the project. From my personal account, I tried to again share the project and mark the work account as the owner, but received an error stating the accounts were not part of the same organization (Did not see that coming!). Worse, I I've tried to again share the project with my work account, but it no longer appears on that Google Drive, as it did that first time before I removed it. I have made copies of the original project and tried to share those, but they never appear on the work Drive, either.

Is there any way around this issue, to again share this particular project with my work account? The only thing I've come up with is downloading the project as a Powerpoint to a thumb drive and taking it to work, but there must be a better way.

Thank you for any and all help!!!
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Sharing can get into all sorts of "rights" issues.

Why not just email the Slide Presentation as an attachment via your Google email to your work email?

And cc: a relevant/applicable co-worker to determine if 1) the attaached presentation arrives, and 2) is viewable?