How can I run two Gtx Geforce 1070 in sli


Aug 21, 2016
Hello guys. Im looking for advice on fitting another Gtx 1070 graphics card. As I understand it its called Sli. How do I know if my pc can handle doing this?
Yeah you cannot with that motherboard, it has to be a Z170 motherboard on that socket to run SLI.

If you want more performance then get a 1080 instead.
Your motherboard has to be SLI / Crossfire certified. A quick Google search for your mobo model should reveal this information. You'll also need a fairly good power supply; for 1070 SLI, a 750w PSU should be the minimum to aim for.

You'll also need an SLI bridge to connect the 2 cards. The older "ribbon" style SLI cables will still work with 1070 / 1080 cards in SLI, but for maximum performance, you need Nvidia's new SLI HB (High Bandwidth) bridge.
Hi. My motherboard is a Gigabyte H81M-S2H Motherboard, and the PSU is a Corsair CX600 80 Plus Bronze Certified 600w Power Supply. Hope this helps. Thanks for your quick response