Question How can I share the speaker connected to a computer with the other computers on the LAN, all with Windows 11?


Dec 12, 2009
How can I share the speaker connected to a computer with the other computers on the network, all with Windows 11?
I would like a computer to play music in a computer and make it sound not only through this computer's speakers but also through the speakers of another computer in the same LAN. I can use banana voicemeter but I do not know how to see the speakers of the other computer from the computer playing the music and running banana voicemeter.
This is a complex issue of hardware and software. In terms of hardware, its generally easiest if the speakers are connected to your network directly via ethernet or wifi; that's the easiest way to "see" them from another computer. You would also need software that can "cast" your music to another device on your network. For example, I can play music using google chrome and I'll see the "cast to another device" option on the top bar for that purpose. The ability to cast to another device is something you would have to explore with the authors of banana voicemeter.