How can i wire 1 dvc 8ohm sub to 2 svc 8ohm subs to a mono amp

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So I would wire the SVC subs in Parallel together and wire one voice coil of the DVC sub to the two SVC subs and use the other voice coil of the DVC sub to connect to the monoblock amp to create a 4ohm load?
As long as the DVC has 4 posts, which i dont see why it wouldnt you can wire it up like this for a 4ohm load. I split the DVC sub in two so it would be easier to see how to wire it up to the 4 posts.



This is a 8 ohm load, You got 2 lines in paralel and on each line there are 2 coils at 8 ohm in series so it means (8+8)/2 = 8 ohm.

I can see your amplifier is stable in 2 ohms so i suggest all positive connectors on all coils connected to the positive rail on amp and all negative coil connectors on negative connector on amp, this will be 8/4=2 ohm load on amp.
I read the first OP wrong and for some reason thought they were 4 ohm voice coils

He's wanting a 4 ohm load, guessing he wants the lower wattage from the amp for the speakers as a 2 ohm load might be to much. Not knowing the exact model of the subs we dont know how much the subs can handle.

He cannot get to 4 ohms, only 2 or 8. I would NOT advice asynchron branches, 2 lines in parallel and on a line 16 ohms and the other 4 ohms,it would put unequall power on each branch.
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