Question How can microsoft office put security at risk

Ok so first things first i fully understand that because of the type of question i am asking the moderators may delete this post.

I had been using microsoft office home and student 2007 for 12 years and somebody said i was putting my security at risk.
I went out and got the 2019 version and have read in computeractive magazine they microsoft are going to stop support and security updates for this version.

I get that you can get a virus from a download , an email or a website but how can anyone hit you through word.
Ok so first things first i fully understand that because of the type of question i am asking the moderators may delete this post.

I had been using microsoft office home and student 2007 for 12 years and somebody said i was putting my security at risk.
I went out and got the 2019 version and have read in computeractive magazine they microsoft are going to stop support and security updates for this version.

I get that you can get a virus from a download , an email or a website but how can anyone hit you through word.
Macros. They are virtual basic.
Ok so first things first i fully understand that because of the type of question i am asking the moderators may delete this post.

I had been using microsoft office home and student 2007 for 12 years and somebody said i was putting my security at risk.
I went out and got the 2019 version and have read in computeractive magazine they microsoft are going to stop support and security updates for this version.

I get that you can get a virus from a download , an email or a website but how can anyone hit you through word.
Someone sends you a Word doc, with embedded VBA code (Macro)
Said code can do lots and lost of things.

This 'someone' might even be a trusted friend or coworker.
Thanks for the feedback in 22 years i have never had anyone send me a word doc but if somebody did i would treat it like an unknown email and delete.

When we get suspect emails with dodgy subject titles or from somebody we dont know we delete them.
I once got an email from somebody i know and it had a strange subject line so i phoned her and she said i have not sent you anything.
Thanks for the feedback in 22 years i have never had anyone send me a word doc but if somebody did i would treat it like an unknown email and delete.

When we get suspect emails with dodgy subject titles or from somebody we dont know we delete them.
I once got an email from somebody i know and it had a strange subject line so i phoned her and she said i have not sent you anything.
And if you were at work, and your coworker Bob sent you a Word'd be FAR more likely to open it.
This is how ransomware is still a thing.
Microsoft Office can also put Your PC security at risk because some users will run older and no longer supported versions. They aren't receiving critical security patches and updates, making them ripe for an exploit or attack.