How can watercooling improve my evga 1070 sc oc?


Mar 25, 2017
It never reaches above 70 with Max oc of +135 core and +250 memory. The voltage is set to max although I read that there is a hard limit set in the cards programming even at +100%.

Could water cooling with something like h100 improve my oc and if so how so? I can't seem to max settings any further and Temps don't seem to be the issue. I originally purchased h100 for cpu but if I can get a higher core clock or more frames somehow I'd rather do that.
All the Pascal GPU are locked down (1060,1070,1080,1080 ti). For the 1070 you will never get above 2.2GHZ and most aren't stable at 2100 anyways. The only thing you will do is lower the temperature and maybe gain a few mhz on the core. It is really pointless for the 10 series unless you already have a loop setup.

Mine sits at 42c under load but I cannot surpass 2085 on the core. It is luck of the draw...
All the Pascal GPU are locked down (1060,1070,1080,1080 ti). For the 1070 you will never get above 2.2GHZ and most aren't stable at 2100 anyways. The only thing you will do is lower the temperature and maybe gain a few mhz on the core. It is really pointless for the 10 series unless you already have a loop setup.

Mine sits at 42c under load but I cannot surpass 2085 on the core. It is luck of the draw...
iamacow is right. Most of the 10 series cards from Nvidia perform very consistantly across the range. The difference between the slowest 1070 and the fastest 1070 will not be more than a few fps in most games (According to all the reviews I read before buying my EVGA 1070SC) The difference comes in when comparing build quality and cooling capabilities. The biggest benefit from water cooling a 1070 would be the drop in temps and lower noise and if you set up the radiator to exhaust then all that hot air gets dumped outside the case and not inside like with most open shroud coolers. So you will have to decide whether spending all that money is worth the benefits you get.