How Come i can't update my phone?

Jacob Bowerman

Dec 2, 2013
hello. so im brand new to android. it is to my understanding that theres a new things called lollipop 5.0. and according to a website i saw, it supports my sony xperia z3 which is running 4.4.4. but whenever i click check for updates etc it says my phones up to date. so is my phone glitched or something?or do i manually have to update it myself?
just because it is supported by the handset doesn't mean your service provider (sprint, tmobile, etc.) is rolling out the update. Unless your phone is unlocked/jailbroken/etc. as to allow you to force an update you will remain at the mercy of the provider for that.
just because it is supported by the handset doesn't mean your service provider (sprint, tmobile, etc.) is rolling out the update. Unless your phone is unlocked/jailbroken/etc. as to allow you to force an update you will remain at the mercy of the provider for that.

so im with telstra. so if i wanted to legitimately update my phone. i have to wait a see if sony will support lollipop on my xperia. and then if they do. i then have to wait asee if telstra want to support it. thats a stupid system in my opinion. i mean back when i had my iphone. if an update came out. that was it you just updated and went on with your day. no waiting to see if your phones compatible witht he carrier and the phone
I agree to an extent that it is stupid, but android is not the same as IOS. It is more fragmented and most carriers have their own UI setups and plenty of worthless bloatware so they don't want an update to crash all of their phones.

The lollipop release was being scheduled between April 13 and April 15 but the actual time line for full release may be several months or never. It is not unusual for an update to be months behind. As a general rule updates come out for the newest/shiniest phones first then the old models (i.e. Galaxy S6 will get more love than Galaxy S5)
Looks like it's coming:

Services, however, which are the most important part of an update, are rolling out continuously. They're part of Google Play services, and, along with the usual apps suite, are being kept up-to-date by Google via updates in Google Play. IMO, as long as you have those updated, your phone is running alright and secure.
My LG G3 just got 5.0, right when 5.1 is out and fixed bugs/issues that were in 5.0. After the 5.0 update PayPal only works once every reboot, second time it never opens, and the notifications do not come up when the phone is locked like the used to. I have to unlock the phone to see if I got a new email or txt.

Since we need to wait for the carrier to approve and send the update, we'll be stuck with issues for a while till that happens.